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A place for your Records

Track all your Personal Bests

Personal Best - Record Tracker is your ultimate fitness companion for conquering milestones and achieving new heights in your fitness journey. Whether you're lifting weights, running marathons, or swimming laps, our app lets you track your Personal Bests in all types of fitness activities. Personal Best is your go-to app to log your triumphs and stay motivated. Get started for free!

Crush your goals with Personal Best - Record Tracker!

Add all your Personal Bests

Add and track your Personal Bests across a wide range of activities. Create your own personalized activities and categories to align with your fitness goals. Choose vibrant colors for your profile, groups, and Personal Bests, reflecting your energy and dedication!

Stay on top of your Progress

Witness your fitness progress come to life through our intuitive line charts and detailed lists. See how far you've come, identify areas of improvement, and set new ambitious goals to push yourself beyond limits!

Create Groups with Others

Connect with fellow fitness enthusiasts by creating groups. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who share your passion for fitness. Compare Personal Bests in specific activities, cheer each other on, and ignite the spirit of friendly competition!

Personal Bests
Progress over time
Group Ranking
Create Activity
Average Rating of about 4.6

What Users say about Personal Best

Iā€™m trying to update my review, but I really like this handy app, and was really impressed at the responsiveness of the developer on improving the app. I recommended it to my friends and I have a group with one friend on the app to track our bests together

snk1719 - App Store

The app records all sports performances. When there are multiple registrations for the same discipline, you can see the graph with performance trends over time. You can edit or delete a data entered by swiping. It does its job well.

Sara Favero - Google Play

Very cool design and super intuitive app!

Victoria Edelsbacher - Google Play
Klaus Brandner
Hello there šŸ‘‹

Meet the Creator

This is Klaus, indie developer and creator of the app Personal Best - Record Tracker. Transforming coffee into code since 2015 šŸ˜‚ I have been quite active all my life and and needed an app to track my Personal Bests. Unable to find something suitable, I decided to create my own mobile app and share it with everyone.

My goal is to make the app incredibly customizable that allows people to track their Personal Bests across a wide range of activities. With a beautiful and intuitive user interface and the ability to compare with others, I want to motivate people to strive for new Personal Bests šŸ’Ŗ

If you want to get involved, please get in touch via Instagram (@personalbestapp) or email: If you want to support me, feel free to download the app and buy me a coffee to keep the development going šŸ™

Are you ready to take your Personal Bests to the next level?

Download the app now for iOS or Android.

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